CNC Lathe for sale

CNC Lathe for saleCNC Lathe for sale


CNC Lathe for sale Horizontal wet grinding nano mill PHN SuperMaxZeta 30L 聽 With the development of PHN, we designed a variety of available components and chamber material combinations that are suitable for almost all applications of wet grinding and dispersion. The multi-channel grinding system PHN has a larger diameter agitator design which ensures that the impact force of the grinding medium and the linear speed of the rotor can be effectively increased at lower rotational speeds, making the movement of the grinding medium more powerful, and at the same time, the effect of gentle dispersion can be achieved without damaging the particle morphology, so that the equipment has the best performance and production efficiency. We paid special attention in achieving the highest heat exchange effect, higher, which means higher output and more stable quality than similar grinding machines. (Open Canister Separation System), the extremely large size of the cylindrical centrifugal separator screen, the flow resistance (i.e, pressure drop) is the smallest. The rotor rotates along with the main shaft and due to hollow structure and angular openings when it rotates, it creates a centrifugal force pulling all the beads out and away from OCS. There are almost no grinding beads / media inside the separation region, ensuring higher flow of product and avoids wear of separation system. Its field of application starts where the other agitator disk bead mill鈥檚 system ends. PHN mill is the horizontal agitator peg mill for highest grinding intensity input and highest product throughput rates. The highly efficient centrifugal separation system enables the use of smallest grinding media from a diameter of 0.1 mm - 3mm in reliable continuous operation. 聽 1. large size hollow type dynamic pin type rotor and high-flow sieve cylinder separator, can achieve high flow rate, multiple grinding, optimize the product particle size distribution, third party verification of fineness D99 in 30nm. For temperature sensitive of nano materials, has temperature gauge with double contact electrical contact . 2.The feeding port is located at the end of the machine seal, and the improved discharge port is set at the lower middle of the discharge valve, improves the clogging and pressure discharge of the separator in the grinding chamber brought by the material settling; with high energy density (2kW/dm3), the production efficiency is 3-5 times of ordinary sand mills. 3.Adopting imported two-way sliding double-end mechanical seal device with cold liquid, has good sealing effect and reliable operation, ensures the reliability of bearing operation. 聽 The machine adopts precise and reliable double-end mechanical seal with high reliability and durability. The grinding chamber is completely sealed to avoid air mixing, prevent air bubbles and product volatilization, greatly reduce environmental pollution. Humanized and thoughtful design. 1銆丏rive adjustment: tensioning and lifting, easy maintenance 2銆丳rotection system: feed pressure, discharge temperature, machine seal level and other monitoring and alarm 3銆丄ntifreeze device: to provide protection for equipment in low temperature areas 4銆乵aterial Inlet: equipped with filtering device to avoid blockage caused by impurities in the material 5銆丮echanical seal: choose fixed outflow type to avoid internal flow material pollution. 聽 Competitive Advantage: 聽 Have branch company of Hunan Jinling Machine tools Co.,ltd, have more than 100sets of own process equipment, 80% of mill parts achieve self-supply,have price and quality control advantages. 1銆丏rive adjustment: tensioning and lifting, easy maintenance 2銆丳rotection system: feed pressure, discharge temperature, machine seal level and other monitoring and alarm 3銆丄ntifreeze device: to provide protection for equipment in low temperature areas 4銆乵aterial Inlet: equipped with filtering device to avoid blockage caused by impurities in the material 5銆丮echanical seal: choose fixed outflow type to avoid internal flow material pollution. 6銆丮echanical main shaft: 5 years maintenance-free, the guarantee of machine seal stable operation 聽 Applications: 聽聽 Hot Tags: wet grinding machine锛宯ano grinding machine锛宧igh speed mixer锛宮ixing machine锛寀ltra-fine grinding machine锛宲aint mixer锛宮ineral crushing equipment锛宯ano grinding machine锛宧igh speed disperser锛宭ab grinding machine锛宐all mill锛宩et mill锛宭aboratory ball mill锛宭ab grinding mill锛宮ixed equipment锛宭ab ball mill锛宭ab grinding machine锛宒ry grinder锛宒isperser锛宩et mill machine锛宒efoaming machine锛宮ineral crushing equipment锛宒isk bead mill锛宧orizontal bead mill锛寃et grinding equipment锛宲igment mixer锛宲remixer锛宲owder crusher锛宒ry grinding mill锛寃et grinding sand mill锛宒ispersing machine锛寁ertical grinding mill锛寁acuum defoamer锛宩et pulverizer锛寁ertical ball mill锛宒ry grinding equipment锛宭ab grinding equipment锛宻uperfine dry grinding锛宲owder pulverizer锛宒ry grinder锛宲in bead mill锛寃et grinding sand mill锛宲owder crusher锛宭ab grinding mill锛宖luidized bed jet mill锛宭ab ball mill锛宲eg bead mill锛宧orizontal nano sand mill锛寀ltra-fine grinding machine锛宧orizontal nano bead mill锛寃et grinding bead mill锛宯ano grinding equipment锛寃et grinding bead mill锛宒isk sand mill锛宲eg sand mill锛寃et grinding nano mill锛宧orizontal sand mill锛宲in bead mill锛宲in sand mill锛宒ispersing and mixing锛宒ispersing equipment锛宨nline disperser锛宒issolver锛宑oating premix system锛宨nline dispersing machine锛宒ry grinding equipment锛宒efoaming equipment锛寁ertical sand mill锛宒ry powder crusher锛宖luidized bed jet equipment锛宎ir crushing equipment锛宎ir crushing mill锛宐ead mill homogenizer锛宒eaeration equipment锛宻uperfine dry grinding锛宧omogenate bead mill锛寃et grinding sand mill锛宮inibead beater mill锛寀ltrafine dry grinding mill锛宲eg bead mill锛宲eg sand mill锛宒isk bead mill锛宲in sand mill锛宒isk sand mill锛宧orizontal sand mill锛宭aboratory nano bead mill 聽聽CNC Lathe for sale website:

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